The ACT EXPO Review
Advanced Clean Technologies
Founder/President/CEO shares his ACT EXPO Experience
I attended the Advanced Clean Technologies (ACT EXPO) held in our home town of Las Vegas Nevada May 21st and 22nd. It was a very professional show
and I felt it was worth the time and money spent.
It featured 400 exhibitors from around the world plus 200 EV and H2 vehicles, trucks, and forklift, s. countless EV charging and H2 fueling stations, plus energy storage, control systems, trucking, related parts and equipment.

This was the first trade H2 related trade EXPO I have attended to expose our multi-billion dollar GridZero projects and all were well recieved. Most of the major brands I was looking to meet with
and learn more about were there, including Toyota,
Hyundai, Honda, Nikola, Air Liquide and others. I learned more about EV and H2 infrastructure in two days, then I learned in over 2 years of doing online research. Even better, I got to see actual equipment on display to unbderstand the quality.
I took lots of pictures and shot lots of video, which will be posted in the future. For now, I'm focused on woirking with some of the people I met with to define the products, equipment and systems I want to incorporate into our projects. To meet with potential partners I want to work with long term. Stay tuned as we continue to revise our projects somewhat and gear up for launch of the Web series that will share the build-out process.
"The great difference between voyages rests not with the ships,
but with the people you meet on them."
A copy of the EXPO floor plan is seen beloiw. I plan to exhibit GridZero at next years show, when it returns to Anaheim, California the EV Capital of America.