GridZero Inc is in the process of forming its privately-held Venture Fund that will include its largest scale business projects developed over the years. The object is to bring some of these projects to market directly, or find suitible venture partsner that want to with GridZero retaining a percentage of ownership. We intend to hire an experienced manager to head up our fund project development.
What will make our Venture Fund stand out is that it represents a new self-funding approach where we use a portion of the monthly membership dues from our ClubZERO membership program to develop, build out some business ventures, projects, initiatives and our Aquarium Plaza Corporate Center . In exchange, GridZero will share a portion of profits earned from operations with members, by way of our proposed Venture Sharing Credits (VSC) rewards program, plus access other benefits. ​
Under the VSC Program ClubZERO members will earn between 1 to 3 VSC for each month they are active paying members, which accrue overtime. Gold members ($35 monthly) earn 1 VSCmonthly, Platinum members ($85 monthly) earn 2 VSC monthly, and both levels earn an additional VSC each month if they join our affiliate marketing program. Members must opt into this program and accept the terms and conditions, plus provide additional information to participate.
GrideZero will allocate 30% of its collective pre-tax operating profits from business operations launched through this Venture Fund to the ClubZERO Rewards Fund (CZRF) quarterly. This dollar amount is then dividied by all collective member FSC earned to date at the end of that quarter to create an FSC Dollar Value (FSC-DV), say $3.00 per FSC as an example. That value is then multiplied by the accrued FSC the member has that quarter (say 65 FSC x $3 = $195. That amount is then posted as a cash credit to the members online account for use in online purchases, including member dues, travel packages, event fees, food and beverage discounts within any active operations.
It is important to note this is NOT an investment opportunity in any single business venture developed, in GridZero or any related operations. Members will not own any equity shares or have any management control, as it is purely for internal member rewards benefit and as our way of saying thank you for supporting our projects. No cash payments are or will ever be made. Failure to pay monthly dues will result in termination of paid membership and the loss of all accrued VSC and any accrued cash values.
GridZero intends to acquire bulk travel packages and merchandise for members to purchase online for substantial discount using their cash values .The program is intended to last five years or until the end of 2029 at which time the program may end or be extended. ​ The initial projects to be developed by the Venture Fund include our Tropical Reef Travel Cafe chain and HumidaPURE AirWater Company, both with future public company potential. In additio, we hope to build and operate one or more proposed CommunityHUBS, our transitional housing model to address the working homeless population.​
For more details on our proposed Venture Fund projects, click on a logo below to visit their web pages. Note not all are active and each are subject to change a the se companies further develop. Not all will be developed directly as several will likely be sold off or developed with partners.
Tropical Reef Travel Cafe II the age of rising food prices and decline of phisical travel agencies, we intend to build a new chain of food and beverage establishments that incorporate travel agents who book our members personal, business and group travel. Our initial signature Travel Cafe will be based in Las Vegas, Nevada, with similar Cafe units planned for Southern California and Hawaii, and smaller strip mall units developed in time The goal is to take this venture public by 2028 or as soon as possible thereafter.
GridZero Plastic2Power USA (P2P), was one of the first business models developed by our founder over 15 years ago. The business
simply proposes to use state-of-the-art eco-friendly processing equipment that can convert all types of plastic waste into syngas, which can be used to power turbines to generate electricity.
​HumidaPURE AirWater Company: is a company that will build a network of micro-AirWater production plants in California and Hawaii. They will convert local humidity into safe drinking water for sale to consumers under its AirWater brand. All packaged in BPA-Free plastic lined aluminum cans and glass bottles. Our goal is to make AirWater the official water for the 2026 World Cup and 2028 Olympics in LA.
​CommunityHUBSof America a network of transitional housing and support facilities designed to help address the growing working homeless population. They will be operated long-term by our non-profit GridZero Solutions Institute.
Urban & Cannabis GrowSpaces (GrowSpaces) is a proposed network of rental growspaces for individuals who want to grow their own produce or weed away from home in a secure setting.
AgriVoltaic Farming Systems (AgriVoltaics), plans to place 60,000 SF metal building frames with a bifacial Solar panel roof system canopy structure over existing produce crops, citrus or vineyards to generate power, atmospheric water generators and to make better use of sustainable agricultural farm lands, cattle and . dairy farms.
SuperHUBZ of North America (SuperHUBZ) is a proposed multi-billion dollar network of Electric Vehicle (EV) charging and Hydrogen (H2) vehicle refueling facilities.