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Founder/President/CEO shares details about the GridZero Foundation

The GridZero Solutions Institute Inc. (GZ Institute- formerly the Clear Blue Oceans Foundation), is a Hawaiian 501 c (3) tax-exempt non-profit organization. It was formed in 2019 by our Founder to address ocean plastic waste, overfishing and shark finning issues. 


GridZero and its GZ Institute will continue its ocean awareness efforts, but has expanded its focus to include addressing the zero emissions future, sustainable agricuture and better land use, green energy and hydrogen production, plus several other issues. Most importantly , The GZ Institute will look to assist the working homeless population with its CommunityHUBSThe cost of living and housing today has seen a steady growth of good, hard working people pushed onto our streets, and we intend to help as many as possible recover with the suupport of our donors and sponsors. 


GridZero, together with GZ Institute will also work to assist working homeless individuals with the proposed Business Park HUBS that is a larger scale facility of the CommunityHUB, that brings jobs into the project. They will also help those impacted after a major natural disaster strikes a region with its 



Once underway, the GZ Institute will lauunch a number of project fund raising programs, including a $150 million Sponsorship program unlike any ever seen to mobilize the public, small and big brands and non-profits that upport building a zero emission fduture and regional transportation infrastructure.


A purpose-driven goal without regard to one's political status or narratives, or opinions of whether such a massive effort is worth undertaking. Like it or not, we are all heading towards a zero emissions future. In our Founder's opinion, the best way to succeed in that transition is to engage everyone in a fun, value-based educational program that all parties can benefit from. Cleaner air is just the primary benefit a zero emission transportation network that GridZero proposes to build, with the support of its Sponsors.


As we set out to build our GridZero Research Campus

and zero emissions tranaportation network, we will also continue GZ Institute's original mission of increasing awareness of the ocean plastic waste & debris issues, and build GridZero Plastic2Power  to help address them. We will look to fund and build our GridZero ReliefHUBS  & CommunityHUBS to assist all those impacted when diaster or a job loss trikes them.

Help us - help them by becoming a Sponsor once we launch this program in late May.



Many people will find our mission exciting, challenging, and join us in our efforts. Many more will find it to be crazy, find every flaw to justify dismissing it.  As Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, born 4 months to the day before our Founder, once stated "The one's who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the one's who do".


Here's to the Crazy One's, who want to let their full geniuses come out -  join us and let's show the world we still exist! 



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