GridZero Onsite Evaluations

Grid Zero recognizes that each site has unique requirements and special conditions to address. We focus mainly on larger estate homes, vineyards or ranches. If solar powered systems are needed, the owner must have suitable land with southern exposures and service access. These are key for our residential and commercial off-grid systems. Although not all need to be solar or off-grid powered, we will always promote that as our first option.
Larger scale commercial, farming or vineyard applications have
other unique requirements as well, and each solution can offer
multiple options that can be tailored to your individual needs.
We can incorporate solar power generating systems into your
parking areas by creating solar canopies, place water-makers
on the roof of commercial office buildings or hotels, or in the
fields of your vineyard or farm.

Whether or not a system is cost effective or warrants the capital expense will depend on many factors, which are defined through a detailed Grid Zero Site Evaluation. We charge a fee ranging from $750 to $12,500 to conduct our Site Evaluations, depending on type of system and location. For this fee we develop a full plan, including all equipment to be used, and a detailed cost estimate for your review broken down to take advantage of the available tax credits when available.
Grid Zero Site Evaluation fees are credited back against your system cost in full against your purchase,
as we will have already done the most important part of the design process by determining just what equipment and products your unique System(s) require. Should you not wish to proceed, we retain the fees paid. This allows us to fiocus on those clients who are seriously considering our systems.
We hope to offer direct financing and even equipment leasing options to our clients in early 2024, and even Tax Credits for the atmospheric water making systems. As water-making from humidity is not a well known or discussed process in California, it is well known worldwide. The growing water quality issues in select regions should be politically attractive to pass at minimum state tax credits, if not on a federal level as well.
Contact us today to schedule a Site Evaluation for your project today. We travel to California and Hawaii on a regular basis to meet with our clients. We always take a service minded approach to meeting our client needs. A project can take from four to six months from concept to completeion so lets get started, click here.