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SuperHUBZ Locations
Near Term & by 2030


Founder/President/CEO explains the near and longer term locations plan

The near term SuperHUBZ location

plan is seen above and will include mainly Nevada and California  sites. The goal is to have five locations operational linking Las vegas and Southern California by 2027, before the 2028 Summer Olympic Games in Los Angeles. l


Once the initial five locations begin opening, the plan calls for opening one additional location each month by 2030 and growing rapidly. This is subject to funding avaialibility. We are optomistic that funding will be made avaialable for our projects.


When considering the U.S. House recently authorized $96 billion for securing three other countries, with not a single penny for securing our own boarders. Mostly to fund more weapons and war activities against the will of the people they serve.


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Likewise, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) provided $3 billion to the estimated $12 billion high speed electric train project, which broke ground in Las Vegas on April 22, 2024, a 218 mile train from Las Vegas to Los Angeles. Although we support any zero emissions effort to move people in and out of Las Vegas.


In comparison, if the DOT would also provide GridZERO with $3 billion, we could build over 100 locations and the entire GridZero supporting greenhydrogen infrastructure. Most importantly we could operate debt free and creatre over 25,000 good paying long-term jobs. We will drive this measage forward in our fun ding campaigns, and let the public decide which is a better use of their tax dollars.  


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